Monday, January 9, 2012

Time to Upgrade?

When is the right time to upgrade?

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I have no clue when it's the right time to upgrade anything electronic.
To be honest I think being an electronics nerd makes the choices oh so that much harder.  You now the current technology, you know the upcoming technology, and the not so distant future technology.
The problem is, I know what I have is old and would like to update it, but with CES, right around the corner, why buy now when something cooler could be yours in some short months, why buy the almost obsolete model?  By the time most of the new technology starts rolling off the assembly line from CES, you always hear the whispers of something new coming down the line that is a must have, so why buy now when new is just a short time away.
This is my whole issue with technology moving so fast, when I finally decide to bit the bullet so to say, it's great for about two days until your co-worker, friend, or neighbor shows you something cooler.
I want that new cutting edge something, that pinacle of technology on my hand or hanging from my wall, so do I wait or do I pull the trigger for "je ne se qua"?
One of my favorite stories was, when I graduated from college, I wanted to take my graduation money and buy a new Mac laptop, but at the time rumors were the next revision coming in the next few months would include a blu-ray drive.  Well years later, still no blu-ray drive included, even though I did wait a few months to see, I did purchase the mac and could of never been more happy.
Well lesson learned, just like the commercials, theirs no better time to buy then now, well that's what I hope so anyways.

If you have any fun stories or opinions drop a comment

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