Friday, January 6, 2012

CES 2012, Why Go?

So CES is almost upon us, less than a week away and I couldn't be more excited.
It's that time of year where I get so excited to see all the new fun gadgets and gizmos and the stuff I would of never thought of.  I have always wanted to go but unfortunately I live no where near Las Vegas and don't have the deep pockets for the tickets, but that doesn't stop me from finding any morsel of information about all the cool stuff new stuff.
What will 2012 hold, will we all see something new and exciting or will it be one of those years that all we see is just some rev updates for all the hardware and software out there?
The bigest things were probably see come out of CES 2012 is most likely tablets and smart phones.   Are they really that important, we all have at least one of them, or know somebody that does.  Honestly what in the world could be new and exciting with them?  Are they going to speak to you, are they going to cook and clean for you, probably not, so what's the big hype.  To be honest it's most likely going to be speed updates, larger screen sizes ect... ect... ect.... but really who cares, well I kind of do.
I know in my heart of hearts that its going status quo, Windows will be out with another one of it's revisions, phones will be coming out with the new and improved ICS, but what if....
What if there was something different, something unique and exciting.  I think thats what really brings people to the show, it not the same old same old year after year, it's the what if, the excitement of the unknown.  What happens if I don't go and something cool happens or something awesome comes out...... you don't to be the one who misses it.  Just like a child, no matter what happens you keep dreaming of what could be.
I'd have to say if I had the chance to go, I would jump at that in a heart beat.  First because it's a novelty and 2nd because what if there was something new and I was there to see and play with it then get to brag about it will all my geeky dorky friends when I get back home.
I know I kind of sound like an ass but it would probably be the only time I get to talk about something cool before my geeky friends actually buy it leaving me with the old as-if technology.

Well, time to dream about something awesome.

Here it comes, whether your ready of not....CES 2012

Any thought's?  Drop a comment

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