Monday, January 9, 2012

Time to Upgrade?

When is the right time to upgrade?

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I have no clue when it's the right time to upgrade anything electronic.
To be honest I think being an electronics nerd makes the choices oh so that much harder.  You now the current technology, you know the upcoming technology, and the not so distant future technology.
The problem is, I know what I have is old and would like to update it, but with CES, right around the corner, why buy now when something cooler could be yours in some short months, why buy the almost obsolete model?  By the time most of the new technology starts rolling off the assembly line from CES, you always hear the whispers of something new coming down the line that is a must have, so why buy now when new is just a short time away.
This is my whole issue with technology moving so fast, when I finally decide to bit the bullet so to say, it's great for about two days until your co-worker, friend, or neighbor shows you something cooler.
I want that new cutting edge something, that pinacle of technology on my hand or hanging from my wall, so do I wait or do I pull the trigger for "je ne se qua"?
One of my favorite stories was, when I graduated from college, I wanted to take my graduation money and buy a new Mac laptop, but at the time rumors were the next revision coming in the next few months would include a blu-ray drive.  Well years later, still no blu-ray drive included, even though I did wait a few months to see, I did purchase the mac and could of never been more happy.
Well lesson learned, just like the commercials, theirs no better time to buy then now, well that's what I hope so anyways.

If you have any fun stories or opinions drop a comment

Friday, January 6, 2012

CES 2012, Why Go?

So CES is almost upon us, less than a week away and I couldn't be more excited.
It's that time of year where I get so excited to see all the new fun gadgets and gizmos and the stuff I would of never thought of.  I have always wanted to go but unfortunately I live no where near Las Vegas and don't have the deep pockets for the tickets, but that doesn't stop me from finding any morsel of information about all the cool stuff new stuff.
What will 2012 hold, will we all see something new and exciting or will it be one of those years that all we see is just some rev updates for all the hardware and software out there?
The bigest things were probably see come out of CES 2012 is most likely tablets and smart phones.   Are they really that important, we all have at least one of them, or know somebody that does.  Honestly what in the world could be new and exciting with them?  Are they going to speak to you, are they going to cook and clean for you, probably not, so what's the big hype.  To be honest it's most likely going to be speed updates, larger screen sizes ect... ect... ect.... but really who cares, well I kind of do.
I know in my heart of hearts that its going status quo, Windows will be out with another one of it's revisions, phones will be coming out with the new and improved ICS, but what if....
What if there was something different, something unique and exciting.  I think thats what really brings people to the show, it not the same old same old year after year, it's the what if, the excitement of the unknown.  What happens if I don't go and something cool happens or something awesome comes out...... you don't to be the one who misses it.  Just like a child, no matter what happens you keep dreaming of what could be.
I'd have to say if I had the chance to go, I would jump at that in a heart beat.  First because it's a novelty and 2nd because what if there was something new and I was there to see and play with it then get to brag about it will all my geeky dorky friends when I get back home.
I know I kind of sound like an ass but it would probably be the only time I get to talk about something cool before my geeky friends actually buy it leaving me with the old as-if technology.

Well, time to dream about something awesome.

Here it comes, whether your ready of not....CES 2012

Any thought's?  Drop a comment

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crazy or Just Plain Stupid

So I just finished reading an article about the top 10 craziest things caught by airport security in 2011.  I cannot figure out if these people are crazy or just plain stupid, why would someone try to get these things past airport security.
I don't know about most people but TSA seems to ban a vast number of things.
As a rule of thumb I would say if you have the slightest concern over the object I wouldn't carry it with you.
First of my top list is the Batman knife.

Really.... I don't know if this guy thinks he's the caped crusader himself or just a bonehead.  Who owns stuff like this never mind carries it around or best yet, tries to board a plane with one?
I'd be worried about losing a pair of nail clippers never mind trying to get through with a bat blade.
Well I guess Sheldor of Nasaroth will be one bat blade short this new year.

My next favorite was the knives in a book.
Are you trying to a super spy like 007 or hide your rock hammer like Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption?  Honestly who beside the ten year old kid next door tries to hide something in a hollowed out book?

Lastly and just plain old stupid is this guy, who tried to check his bag filled with land mines.
Mind you they we inert but really, come on really!....
In the story the bomb squad needed to be called in, all badgage was re-routed and flights were delayed.
To be honest, you should probably be black listed on the TSA's no fly list, really who thought this was an acceptable or practical idea.
Did this guy think that the land mines would be great paper weight or door stoppers for friends and was too cheap to deliver them FedEx or something.
At the very least, the other two had some sort of stupid dorkism or creativity behind their thinking but this guy was just plain stupid.
If I had to vote I would put a check mark next to this guys name for a Darwin Award, or at least moron of 2011

Here's to all the Crazies and Stupid's out there
Happy 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Re-Runs Re-Runs Re-Runs

It's that time of year, when all your favorite shows are in re-run, but their's a light at the end of the tunnel it's January and it new show time.
I know it's the holiday season and the droves of people are out and about doing other things other than watching TV but it's been about a month or so, it's time I want my shows back.
It's cold outside and the days are long and dark, it's TV time!
One show I'm happy about coming back next week is House, not as exciting as The Walking Dead coming back next month but House is a close second.
I don't know what it is about House that makes me want to watch, maybe my childhood dream about being a doctor, or maybe he's the kind of person I want to be.  Well maybe not want to be but the smart and witty and my favorite save what's on your mind kind of a person.
I know I might complain about re-runs ect.... ect... but I do think it's a great time to re-watch the show's pickup on the things you missed or had happened to forget along the line.  Well this is if it's re-runs of last season or the first half of the season and not re-running the fist season where almost all the characters have been written off, died or left the show.
With one week left until House come back with new episodes, here's to re-runs re-runs re-runs....